Monday, April 12, 2010

Why the 27th air divisio is so damn crazy

In the novel Catch-22, war affects everyone in the story, some take it in stride and even enjoy it, and others blame all their problems on it and hate every second of it. Either way, everyone has something to blame on someone.
(Because Catch-22 is a fictional novel and all names and characters are fictional, I’m just going to kind of let the imagination take over, and instead of who is at fault for the war, I’ll say who’s at fault for everybody being crazy.)
It all starts with the Texan, yes the Texan. He may not be an intrical character in the book from a simple minded outsiders point of view, but for those of us who study literature and can see in-between the vast and vague lines of simplicity, he is the man behind the crazy, he is at fault for sending Hungary Joe and many others over the brink of sanity and making them as crazy as he was sane.
The Texan was admitted to the same hospital that Dunbar and Yossarian were staying in at the beginning of the novel, he unlike Dunbar and Yossarian, was truly wounded and intended to make a full recovery and dive right back into the horrors of war with no second thought. Now, Dunbar and Yossarian intended to stay in the hospital to avoid war and stay healthy, ironically, and stay out of the horrors of war rather than explore them deeper. That makes Dunbar and Yossarian sane, and the Texan more or less insane. This Texan had a large impact on Dunbar and Yossarian, for after he healed and left the hospital, they seem to have caught the crazies and followed him right back out into the cold hard real world, where at the time, was full of bullets whizzing by, and people dying all around.
Now, I’d like to think of the ‘crazies’ as a sort of disease that can be passed on to an unsuspecting person who is, at the time, perfectly sane. Therefore, with too much exposure, that once sane human can turn quickly and violently into a full blown, crazy MF. This is what happened to the 27th air division, too much exposure to the crazies made everyone who wasn’t already crazy, crazy. Still don’t believe me? Well take Appleby for example, he was a man who pointed out others craziness, and therefore could not be crazy himself, he didn’t like the war, and that made him completely sane. He was good at everything and it takes sanity to be good at everything you do, and was perhaps the sanest member of the 27th, but as soon as Yossarian got to him he began to doubt his own sanity. Yossarian told Appleby that he had flies in his eyes, this is obviously something that a crazy person only as crazy as Yossarian could think of, and a perfectly sane person would dismiss the accusation as easily as they would dismiss a crazy person accusing them of having flies in their eyes, but not Appleby, he had no knowledge of Yossarian being completely insane, therefore he could not dismiss his accusations because you cannot simply ignore someone who you believe to be sane even if they really aren’t. So Yossarian gave Appleby the crazies because Appleby somewhat believed something a crazy person told him.
So, as you can see, the crazies would eventually spread to the entire division except one man who didn’t mind the war at all, so he was crazy to begin with. Hungary Joe got the worst of the crazies because when he didn’t have missions to take care of he was yelling out in his sleep ravenously. Yes this may all seem mildly confusing and rather hard to follow and may even seem completely untrue and a waste of your time but I don’t think it and that’s what really counts. So the Texan is responsible for the craziness of the 27th air division.

1 comment:

  1. Alex (Fee)..... While you've made some excellent points in here about a difficult novel (I'm so happy you chose to tackle Catch-22!!), do you think you could make this blog a smaller font? I find myself a bit frustrated trying to read this, and I want your peers to be able to comment on your blog sans frustration as well. Thank you!
